Title IX Syllabus Language for Faculty

Prohibition of gender-based discrimination
Tulane University recognizes the inherent dignity of all individuals and promotes respect for all people. As such, Tulane is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of discrimination including sexual and gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence like sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking. If you (or someone you know) has experienced or is experiencing these types of behaviors, know that you are not alone. Resources and support are available: you can learn more at allin.tulane.edu

Disclosures of gender-based discrimination
In order to comply with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Tulane University requires all faculty members to report incidents of gender-based discrimination. Please know that if you choose to confide in me, I am required by the university to share your disclosure in a Care Connection to the Office of Case Management and Victim Support Services to be sure you are connected with all the support the university can offer. The Title IX Coordinator is also notified of these disclosures. You choose whether or not you want to meet with these offices. You can also make a disclosure yourself, including an anonymous report, through the form at tulane.edu/concerns.

Statement on Confidentiality and Privacy
Tulane University is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals involved in a disclosure of gender-based discrimination. Any and all of your communications on these matters will be treated as either “Confidential” or “Private.”


Certain individuals and resources (see list below) are designated as confidential. Individuals and resources designated as confidential will not share any information, except in extreme circumstances involving imminent danger to one’s self or others, with the Office of Case Management and Victim Services, the Title IX Coordinator, or local law enforcement without the express permission of the disclosing party.

  • Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)  | (504) 314-2277
  • The Line (24/7) | (504) 264-6074
  • Student Health Center | (504) 865-5255
  • Sexual Aggression Peer Hotline and Education (SAPHE) | (504) 654-9543


Private resources means that information related to a disclosure of gender-based discrimination may be shared with key staff members of the University to assist in the review, investigation, or resolution of the disclosure or to deliver resources, accommodations, and support services. Information pertinent to the disclosure will be shared with the following Offices:

  • Case Management & Victim Support Services | (504) 314-2160 or srss@tulane.edu
  • Tulane University Police (TUPD) | Uptown - (504) 865-5911 | Downtown – (504) 988-5531
  • Title IX Office & Title IX Coordinator | (504) 865-5611 or titleix@tulane.edu
  • Student Affairs Professional On-Call (24/7) | (504) 920-9900

Title IX Safeguards for Pregnant and Parenting Students  
Title IX also provides reasonable protections and support for pregnant and parenting students.  Discrimination on the basis of a student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of the previous conditions is prohibited by Title IX, and Tulane is committed to providing equal access to academic programs and extracurricular activities to students who might be, are, or have been pregnant.  If you need support related to a pregnancy or any of the previously listed conditions, visit pregnancy.tulane.edu for more information, including a list of resources.   
Student who believe that they may have experienced pregnancy discrimination can file a complaint with the Title IX Office by contacting 504-865-5611 or titleix@tulane.edu, visiting the office in Jones Hall 308, or filing a report at tulane.edu/concerns.