Tulane's Title IX Coordinator

What is a Title IX Coordinator?


Every school in the country must have a Title IX Coordinator--but why? And what does this person do for Tulane?

There's a reason why the person responsible for Tulane's Title IX efforts is titled a coordinator: as you can see, there are many offices on campus who work to prevent, respond, and remedy sexual discrimination. It is their responsibility to coordinate our institution's efforts to ensure that we are fulfilling our obligations under Title IX. The Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) stated, "Your Title IX coordinator plays an essential role in helping you ensure that every person affected by the operations of your educational institution—including students, their parents or guardians, employees, and applicants for admission and employment—is aware of the legal rights Title IX affords and that your institution and its officials comply with their legal obligations under Title IX." Our Title IX Coordinator ensures that all reports of sexual discrimination are investigated and receive the appropriate response from the institution.

To ensure that our Title IX Coordinator has, as OCR described, "the appropriate authority and support necessary for them to carry out their duties," Tulane has placed our Title IX Coordinator in the Provost's Office. The Provost is the Chief Academic Officer of the University, overseeing faculty appointment and retention as well as student affairs and directly reports to the President of Tulane.

Tulane's University's Title IX Coordinator is Marcus Foster.

You can reach Marcus at:
Jones Hall 308 (uptown) or Tidewater 1370 (downtown)
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 865-5611

When should I contact the Title IX Coordinator?


Some examples would be: if you are concerned with how your report of sexual discrimination has been handled; if you have concerns about a specific location on campus as being a hostile environment; if you have programming ideas or initiatives around preventing sexual discrimination or educating our community about these issues. Those are just a few ideas, but the real answer is: anytime. Anytime you have a concern, question, or want to talk about these issues at Tulane, contact the Title IX Coordinator using one of the methods listed in the above section. 

Tulane has also designated three Deputy Title IX Coordinators that you can contact as well:

Ruth Riley
Assistant Vice President, Employee Resolution & Equal Employment Opportunity
Office of Institutional Equity
1555 Poydras St., Suite 964
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 862-8083

Erica Woodley
Assistant Vice President & Dean of Students, Student Resources and Support Services
Student Affairs
Lavin-Bernick Center, Suite G02
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 314-2160

Julia Broussard
Associate Director, Title IX
Jones Hall 308
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 314-2897