Get Help & Support

Tulane is committed to providing a comprehensive and integrated response for our community members who have experienced any form of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Our goal is to ensure that all members of the Tulane community who report to the university are met with a caring and compassionate response and are provided with access to all available supports and resources.

Help looks different for everyone. Decide what's right for you.


Tulane recognizes that confidentiality is particularly important to victims of crime and survivors of sexual assault. Tulane University students have several options to seek support and/or report an incident of sexual harassment or violence. These options fall into three categories: confidential, private and anonymous.

Confidential: These resources are strictly confidential. Except in rare, extreme circumstances, nothing will be shared without your explicit permission. Exceptions to strict confidentiality are when the provider believes you are a threat to yourself or others. We encourage all victims and survivors to seek counseling to help process their experience, options, and to begin the recovery process.

Private: These conversations are kept as private as possible, but information must be shared with key staff members so that the university can offer resources and accommodations and take action if necessary for reasons of safety. In planning any resource, the wishes of the person are given full consideration.

Anonymous: Crime reporting is NOT for emergency situations. Anonymous reporting is an option if you are afraid of being identified as the complainant. However, you should realize that anonymous reports may not receive immediate attention and must include sufficient detail for the appropriate officials to be able to investigate if warranted.

For Students

Tulane students have several options to seek support and/or report an incident of sexual harassment or violence. These resources including counseling, advocacy, medical care, peer support, and more.  Visit the Interactive Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide for Students to learn more about these offices and resources including: 

Confidential Resources

Counseling and Psychiatric Services

The Health Center for Student Care 

The Line 

SAPHE Peer Hotline

Private Resources

Case Management and Victim Support Services

Student Affairs Professional On-Call

Anonymous Resources

Concerns Report

For Faculty and Staff

Confidential Resources

Employee Assistance Program

EAP provides confidential support for a variety of concerns, from coping with stress to information and support on financial issues, child care, legal issues, relationships and other life challenges.

Contact Information: 1-800-624-5544, or visit the website at, company code: Tulane.

Private Resources

Office of Institutional Equity

OIE supports faculty, staff, students and members of the Tulane community reporting concerns or allegations of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation covered under the University's Equal Opportunity/Anti-Discrimination Policy so appropriate action can be taken. 

Contact information: 504-862-8083;; 1555 Poydras St., Suite 964, New Orleans, LA 70112;

Office of Human Resource

HR may be consulted about employment matters and concerns.

Contact information: 504-865-4748; 1555 Poydras St., Suite 964, New Orleans, LA 70112;

Anonymous Resources

Concerns Report 

For Everyone: Off Campus Resources

In addition to a wide array of on-campus resources, there are many victim service providers in the New Orleans area who can offer support to survivors of sexual violence.  These resources including counseling, advocacy, medical care, legal assistance, and more. Visit Off-Campus Resources to learn more about these off-campus options including:

Local Off Campus Resources

New Orleans Family Justice Center

Metro Centers for Community Advocacy

Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response

University Medical Center

Tulane-Lakeside Hospital

NOFJC Forensic Program: Hope Clinic

National Hotlines

National Sexual Assault Hotline

National Domestic Violence Hotline