Federal Title IX Regulations and Updates

2020 Federal Regulations for Title IX

UPDATE: The 2020 regulations remain in effect until August 1, 2024, when the 2024 regulations will take effect.  

On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education released its final regulations under Title IX amending its regulation, most significantly about sexual harassment in education programs or activities. You can find a bookmarked PDF of the regulation here.  This federal regulation has limited the scope of what constitutes prohibited sexual harassment under Title IX. It raised the bar for what would previously be called “hostile environment” sexual harassment to be unwelcome sexual conduct that is severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive. As many acts of sexual violence occur only once (and therefore are not pervasive), federal regulation sexual harassment now explicitly includes sexual assault, stalking, and dating/domestic violence, all as defined by the FBI. Further, the federal regulation sexual harassment encompasses only those incidents that occur on campus, in student organization houses (i.e., fraternities and sororities), and potentially off-campus school-sponsored programs or activities that occur in the United States.

The majority of reports of sexual misconduct to the University fall outside of these parameters. However, all conduct of a sexual nature that previously constituted a violation of University policy will continue to constitute a violation of University policy. Such conduct may now be adjudicated under one of three different grievance procedures.

  1. The Federal Regulation Sexual Harassment Policies address sexual misconduct that falls within the U.S. Department of Education’s Title IX regulations. The policy is found as an Amendment to the Code of Student Conduct to address students and as an Amendment to the Equal Opportunity/Anti-Discrimination Policy to address employees. This policy is limited in its jurisdiction.
  2. Sexual misconduct involving students that does not fall within the scope of the U.S. Department of Education’s Title IX regulations is addressed, as before, by the Code of Student Conduct.
  3. Sexual misconduct involving employees that does not fall within the scope of the U.S. Department of Education’s Title IX regulations is addressed, as before, by the Equal Opportunity/Anti-Discrimination Policy.

As required by the final regulations, the Federal Regulation Sexual Harassment Policies include some additional due process requirements for adjudicating alleged violations, including the process we must abide for formal hearings. Please click here for an infographic explaining those requirements.  You can also learn more by viewing these two videos created by the Title IX office.


To learn more about the 2020 Title IX regulatory requirements, please consider reading or watching the following sources that should be informative:

Webinar from the Office of Civil Rights summarizing the new regulations

Overview of the regulations from the Office of Civil Rights

Summary of regulations from the American Council on Education


News articles about the 2020 regulations:

New York Times

U.S. News & World Report

Chronicle of Higher Education

Inside Higher Ed


2024 Title IX Regulations

On April 19, 2024, the Department of Education released updated Title IX regulations.  You can read the press release from the Department of Education here.  The Department of Education has also provided a fact sheet and a summary of the regulations.  The unofficial version of the 2024 regulations is available here.  The new regulations go into effect on August 1, 2024.  In the meantime, the 2020 regulations still apply.  The Title IX office will be working with campus partners to update our policies and procedures by the August 1 implementation date.  Stay tuned for more information.